摘要:Background and Study Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine immediate changes in plantar pressure of the eight directions of Kuzushi for top-ranked judo players. Material and Methods: Subjects were two male judo players who had experienced special training to advance their skills. Tori was then instructed to perform kuzushi very quickly in any of the 8 directions while the subject was instructed to respond against kuzushi. The maximum plantar pressure (MPP), the center of plantar pressure(COP) and the mean plantar pressure (m-PP) at the reaction time were analyzed. Movements were also simultaneously recorded using a video camera. Results: Uke responds to a quick kuzushi attempt by either 1) tai-sabaki (repositioning of body movement) or 2) reflex (stepping reaction). Especially for kuzushi in the back direction, Subject A maintained balance by pulling the left foot back, and thus the COP (R4.4%, 55.6%) and the m-PP (left ball of the foot; 8.2±8.4 N/cm2 , right heel; 3.4±3.3 N/cm2 ) showed high values. Subject B maintained balance by pulling the right foot back, and the COP (R19.1%, 30.6%) and the m-PP (outside right heel; 7.4±6.2 N/cm2 , inside right heel; 8.2±7.6 N/cm2 ) showed high values. Conclusions: The present study has revealed that uke responds to kuzushi by either tai-sabaki or reflex. We may be able to develop more effective ways of applying technique against different opponents by seeking effective kuzushi, tuskuri and kake techniques based on these findings