期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
出版社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
摘要:The presence of efficient organizational information systems is required to achieve competitive advantage. Rapidtechnological changes caused some risks for organizations that employed comprehensive softwares. The role of riskdetection practices in addition to risk classification approaches should be considered for the success of IT projects.Therefore, the success in identifying and reducing risks has the potential to show the technical and non-technicalhazards to the managers and key stakeholders for concentrating resources in the best places. Considering thesensitivity of custom profession, employing risk detection approaches is necessary for reaching the high degree ofcustomer satisfaction. A customs comprehensive software is being employed in the related offices with the ability tocover all the clearance processes and operations from the moment of good entry into the customs territory until thecompletion of clearance formalities. In this paper, the agile design degree of customs comprehensive softwareemployed in custom offices in Iran is investigated through analyzing the specially designed questionnaires andinterviews. Measuring the reliability and content validity of the questionnaires is performed by Cronbach's alphafactor. More overall types of risks resulting from the agile oriented design and the organizational transformation anddevelopment are classified based on Leavitt Model. The innovation of this research is its methodology to firstmeasure the agile degree of the custom software and then detecting the agile based risks and classifies them as thetechnological risks in Leavitt model beside business, actor and structural risks
关键词:Agile development life cycle; Risk detection; Risk Classification; Scrum; Software Risks