期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
出版社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
摘要:The core of expert systems is a useful and reliable knowledge of the specific application. In fact, thisknowledge can be considered as a rule base which in the past was achieved manually by using the classicalmethods of analysis, but the knowledge gained from these manual methods are not reliable. Today there is ageneral and popular branch of computer science called data mining which is used in various areas such asexpert systems. In fact, knowledge is considered an expert system can be achieved through data miningtechniques instead of manual analysis. So that this knowledge can be improved during the data miningprocess using an optimization algorithm, such as the SA algorithm according to criteria such as accuracyand the ability to interpret. So we can gather the experience and knowledge of expert doctors in a data setthen extract useful knowledge from these datasets using SA algorithm and use it to diagnose separately foreach area
关键词:Expert system; Simulated Annealing; Medical; Knowledge Base