期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:The use of terms of address is usually influenced by factors such as ''age, sex,occupation, ideology, political and social position of the interlocutors'' (Asadpour et.al. 2012).In the recent decades address terms in different languages have been studied from differentperspectives. In line with those studies this article focuses on identifying different types ofaddressing terms that Jaf interlocutors may use in different contexts. Jafi is a dialect of SoraniKurdish spoken in some parts of Kermanshah province including the towns of Javanroud,Ravansar and some villages around Sarpole Zahab and Paveh. Personal names, general andoccupation titles, kinship related terms, religious oriented expressions, honorifics, terms ofintimacy, personal pronouns, descriptive phrases and employing greetings or attention gettersto avoid address terms are discussed. Emphasis is on the discussion of the type of terms ofaddress that Jaf people in Kermanshah utilize in the contexts in which they are engaged. Thecircumstances under which they are created are considered. It is argued in this article that thespeaker and the addressee's social relationship, and the context of the communicative event arethe main factors determining the choice of address variants. The choices are considered asreflection of very broad classes of social meaning. The findings of this study could be used inteaching Jafi, pragmatics and translation focusing on address terms
关键词:address terms; Jafs; Jafi dialect; honorifics; kinship related terms