期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:A review of the literature on translation of speech acts indicates a dearth ofempirical research on this area. In order to contribute to this relatively neglected areaof translation, the present study targeted at exploration of translation equivalences(formal vs. dynamic), directness shifts (between vs. within) and their justifiability. Tothis end, three research questions were addressed with respect to the aforementionedtranslation equivalents and directness shifts, on the one hand, and the justifiability ofthese phenomena, on the other hand. Furthermore, Steinbeck’s (1937) “Of Mice andMen” was selected as the material of the study. For the sake of manageability, thescope of the study was limited to two categories of commissives and directives.Employing Searle’s (1975) speech act theory on the English novel, 120 commissive anddirective speech act utterances were randomly selected. Then, they were analyzed basedon Nida’s (1964) concept of equivalence and Zamani’s (2013) notion of directnessshifts. Next, the aggregated translations were qualitatively assessed based on Zamani’s(2013) TQA framework, and Rahimi’s (2004) translation theory. Finally, the results ofthe study indicated that with respect to the translation equivalence, dynamic equivalentsoutnumbered the formal ones, while regarding the directness shifts, the category ofbetween shifts outnumbered within shifts. The findings of the study further indicatedthat about 58.5 percent of the translation equivalents were located in the third level oftranslation quality, i.e., successful translation, while with respect to the directness shiftsabout 74.5 percent of the two notions were justifiable.