期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:Wernicke’s aphasia is a kind of language disorder in which the patient has aproblem in understanding the language concepts. This disorder may be caused by brainstroke, hit on the head, brain cancer or brain infected illnesses; its amount is related tothe place and period of the illness and also to the age of the patient. Wernicke's Arealocated on the posterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus in the hemisphere whichis dominant for language. This area plays a critical role in the ability to understand andproduce meaningful speech. A damage here will case Wernicke's aphasia. Areas 21and 22 are the auditory association areas. These two areas are divided into two parts;one half of each area lies on either side of area 42 together with they can be calledWernicke's area.The researchers in this essay studied a case -patient- who was a seventy-year-oldwoman with a brain stroke. In this study they used twenty different questions fromNilipoor’s test1. By conducting the test, they concluded that the Wernicke’s area wasdamaged so this part of the brain should be treated.
关键词:Wernicke’s aphasia; language disorder; brain; psycholinguistics; speech;therapy