期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:This research focuses on two main points: (1) What kinds of illocutionary acts rolescan be identified in Declarative Mood ?; (2) What the most kinds of illocutionary acts can beused in Declarative Mood ?. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitativemethod. This research employs Functional Grammar Approach (FGA). The result of thisresearch shows that (1) Based on the roles of illocutionary acts, making a statement or givinginformation can be identified as Direct Illocutionary Acts in Declarative Mood and givingdirection such as getting someone to do something or stop doing something, giving advice, andgiving warning, and also giving exclamation such as expressing emotion can be identified asIndirect Illocutionary Acts in Declarative Mood; (2) Based on the kinds of illocutionary acts androles, mostly Direct Illocutionary Acts can be used in Declarative Mood.