期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:English language anxiety and interest are considered as two importantaffective variables which are highly correlated to foreign language learning. The aim ofthis study was to explore the relationship between the English language anxiety,English language interest and English language achievement. The sample sizecomprised of 97 undergraduate students of BS Computer Sciences, Telecomengineering and Computer engineering program. The Pearson correlation analysis andmultiple regressions are used to analyze the data. The results revealed that Englishlanguage anxiety has significant negative correlation with English language interestand English language achievement. It is also found that English language interest andEnglish language achievement has significant positive correlation. It has beenobserved that mostly males have less English language anxiety and more Englishlanguage interest as compared to females. The rate of anxiety in females hassignificant negative relationship with achievement. The study reveals that theperformance of the students of in English language is influenced by the Englishlanguage anxiety.
关键词:English language Anxiety; English language Interest; English language;Achievement; Correlation