期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:Life is overwhelmed with many problems at different levels. People aresuffered by various reasons that also due to the environment. Human problems arealways based upon how to understand sufferings and conflict in the individuals. Butsufferings come from uncomfortable situations and feelings that lead with negativeemotions to the people. Human beings have not only the physical problems but alsomore complicated psychological problems. Sufferings are not a mistake that is part ofour self’s plan too. Suffering is caused by the interpretation of situations. This isnatural phenomena, which frequently cause a state of anger, jealousy and sadness.But sufferings can ruin a person or it can make stronger one. Positive way of sufferingmakes hope, kindness and love. Negative way of suffering creates fear, worries andlack of faith. In this paper, it is to be focused how the individuals are characterizedand suffered by themselves and others through the novel “A Fine Balance” byRohinton Mistry.