摘要:The mind and the body controversy seems to have been the concern of the philosophers since the day of Ancient Greece Kane States that, even in the process of thinking in which the use of the body seems to be reduced to minimum it is matter of common knowledge that of mistake can often be traced to bad health. A sound mind in sound body the problem is state as "The Study of Relationship of Physical Fitness Components and Academic Achievements of Rural and Urban Girls of Gadchiroli District". To Study the relationship of physical fitness components and academic achievement of rural and urban. The study would help in the selection of brilliant students on the basis of physical fitness. It was hypothesized that there would be significant correlation between Academic achievement and physical fitness scores of rural girls and urban girls. The fitness score were converted to T-scores to make composite score. The study may be under taken to find out the factors which adversely affects the academic achievement of student who are physically more fit and vice versa.