期刊名称:International Journal of Security and Its Applications
摘要:Pervasive computing is the emerging field that needs ultra lightweight secure designs. In this paper, we have proposed a robust hybrid structure by fusion of RECTANGLE, LED and SPECK. With the help of a hybrid design, we have improved the key scheduling aspect of LED and related key attacks which were neglected in the LED cipher. In this paper, we also aimed at providing robust architecture by reducing footprint area to as less as possible. By using the S-box of RECTANGLE and the bit slicing technique, clustering of linear and differential trails are avoided which also strengthens the cipher. S-box of RECTANGLE is perfectly interfaced with LED design as their combination results in a differential path probability which is has an upper bound of 2 -50 in its first round. The use of Bit slicing technique in this hybrid design results in good differential and linear properties, which provide resistance to cache and timing attacks. LED cipher which uses S-box of PRESENT results in clustering of linear and differential trails as S- box of PRESENT is specifically designed for compact hardware implementation. Column wise substitution and robust S-box design of RECTANGLE will make LED design robust and secure and enables it to provide resistance against any type of attack. SPECK which is designed by NSA has compact key scheduling and is best suited for our hybrid design, which helps in improving key scheduling of LED. In this paper, we have introduced a novel approach for robust design by amalgam of S-box of RECTANGLE & LED structure, and key scheduling by SPECK. This hybrid cipher design is secure against linear and differential cryptanalysis.