期刊名称:International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
摘要:Test-case prioritization provides the way to organize the order of test cases according to the priority. There are many approaches which are used for test case prioritization. Adaptive approach can be used for test case prioritization. At the execution time adaptive approach gives the all information regarding to current execution or previous execution of program. The adaptive approach evaluating the effectiveness of the test cases. This also provides the information regarding to errors. The adaptive approach arrange the priority of each test cases in decreasing order. We have conducted results which are based upon java programs. We are generating 100 test cases based upon java language. In, this paper we are using APSC metric which describe the statement coverage of test cases. The adaptive approach select the test case then execute it, after execution the priority of the test case will be calculated. This paper also gives the information of statement coverage as well as gives information regarding to those statement which are not covered or unselected. The error rate of test case execution will be also described using adaptive approach. As well as we can say that this paper presents the detail study regarding to APSC metric with the help of adaptive approach.