There are several methods for the treatment of herpetic neuralgia, but there is no method that results in complete remission. Laser has lately come into use to reduce several acute or chronic pains. In order to determine the degree of pain relief by lasers, 26 patients of herpetic neuralgia were irradiated with both He-Ne and Ga-Al-As lasers twice to theree times per week and the results were analysed using visual analogue scale. The results were as follows. 1) The improving rate after 15 irradiations of laser was 63% 2)The highest improving rate(24%) was shown after one irradiation of laser(p<0.05). 3) Only one patient above age 60(3.8%) developed postherpetic neuralgia. 4) There was no significant differenc of effects of LLLT between above and below age 60. These results suggest that LLLT is non-invasive and simple method which was effective not only in controlling the herpetic neuralgia but in perventing the postherpetic neuralgia.