We designed a study to determine if the tracheal tube cuff inflation in the oropharynx improves the success rate of blind nasotracheal intubation in normal, paralyzed patients because of lacking of controlled study about it. In prospective, randomized fashion, 100 ASA I or II patients undergoing elective oral surgery were studied. The trachea was intubated once keeping the tracheal tube cuff deflated throughout the maneuver and once using the technique of tracheal tube cuff inflation in the oropbarynx. A maximum of two attempts was allowed for each technique. If the first attempt was failed, the second attempt was tried with an addition of application of thyroid cartilage compression in each technique. Witb the tracheal tube cuff inflated, the success rate was significantly higher than the cuff-deflated technique(p<0.05). A application of thyroid cartilage compression increased the success rate of the blind nasotracheal intubation in each technique, but it was more useful in the cuff inflation technique(p<0.05). Time taken to intubate the trachea was longer in the cuff inflation technique. We suggest that, in normal paralyzed patients, the tracheal tube cuff inflation in the oropharynx increases the success rate of blind nasotracheal intubation.