Intravenous anesthesia of propofol was compared with ketamine on 20 gynecological patients undergoing dilatation and currettage. The patients were randomly assigned to study in two treatment groups so that l0 patients was administered ketamine anesthesia and 10 patients was administered propofol anesthesia. The hemodynamic responses and recovery characteristics of the two group were compared with control group. Arterial blood pressure(systolie, .mean, diastolic) and heart rate after induction were significantly increased in ketamine group, but showed significantly decrease in propofol group(table 5). Time to full recovery(mean±SD) was significantly less in the propofol group(14.3±2.9 min vs 40.2±4.l min, p<0.01)(table 4). The authors conclude that intravenos anesthesia of propofol is a pratical alternative technique for gynecological patients undergoing dilatation and currettage and may be preferable to ketamine because of the significantly shorter recovery time.