摘要:This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of orange ( Citrus sinensis ) waste juice extracts (OWJE) on performance in broilers chickens. A total of two hundred and forty unsexed broiler chicks (Arbor Acres CP-707) were randomly allocated to six treatments groups given varying concentrations of OWJE in the drinking water for 35 d. 0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm OWJE: water supplemented with an antibiotic only was used as a control. The growth responses achieved by broilers from all groups complied with standards. However, supplementation with 1000 ppm OWJE in drinking water increased feed intake and body weight gain, thereby increasing the feed conversion ratio of both starter (days 1-21) and finisher (days 22-35) broilers, while 750 ppm OWJE promoted feed intake and weight gain in starters. These results indicate OWJE is a useful additive for promoting broilers chicken growth. Additional research is needed to improve the suitability of OWJE as a feed additive which promotes growth in poultry.