期刊名称:Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
出版社:Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas
摘要:In order to determine the efficacy of fertilizer from Tubang-Bakod (Jatophacurcas Linn) compost, an experiment was carried out in complete randomized block design based on 3 replications. Varied ratios of commercial organic fertilizer (COF) and Jatropha compost (JC) are 100:0, 50:50 and 0:100 and commercial inorganic fertilizers (CIF) were used in planting. Parameters such as number of leaves, length of stems, size and color of leaves were determined after harvesting. The maximum number of leaves was noted in 100:0ratios of JC and COF; the lengthiest stem was noted in vegetables grown with 100:0 JC; while the largest size of leaf was noted in CIF. The color of leaves was the same for the varied ratios with a reading of 4 while the CIF has a reading of 5 in the leaf color chart. The macronutrients of JC have 2.09% N, 1.98%P and 17. 49%K.However the micronutrients of the compost were 203.66 ppm Zn, 326.27 ppmMnand 3997.30 ppmFe. These nutrients are essential for the plant growth. It was observed that potassium (K) exceeded the standard for the COF which is 3.66 wt. %. K hastens maturity and increase the size and quality of vegetables.