摘要:The samples, 29 in total, of poultry, rabbit meat, cheese and exotic fruits were taken from the distribution network of Prague. None of the samples was declared as irradiated according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health, CR, No. 133/2004 Sb. The check of their possible exposure to irradiation was made by means of two methods, i.e. the procedure according to EN 1784 (determination of hydrocarbons generated by irradiation using gas chromatography) and the determination of non-bonded o -tyrosine by means of HPLC with electrochemical detection. Neither method brought evidence for the exposure to irradiation, i.e. the purchased foodstuffs concerned were not labelled deceitfully.
关键词:irradiated food; poultry; cheese; fruits; hydrocarbons; o -tyrosin