摘要:Leaf, Root and Bark extracts of Vitellaria paradoxa have been used to cure many infectious diseases in different parts of Nigeria. However, there is need for further research to better understand the efficacy and safety of these plant parts. Methanol and omidun extracts of these plant parts studied using albino rats which were randomly assigned into four groups A-D containing five rats each. Group A rats were infected with E. coli and later treated with ciprofloxacin, group B rats were infected with E. coli only, group C rats were infected with E. coli and treated with methanol extract of root, while rats in group D were not infected nor treated. The procedure was replicated for Salmonella typhi, omidun extracts and two dosages of the extract (50mg/kg and 100mg/kg) respectively. At the end of the experiment, the rats were anaesthetized using chloroform and liver and kidney samples were collected for histopathological studies. Rats in groups A&D have similar presentation with no histhopathological changes. The group that received low concentration (50mg/ml) of leaf and bark extracts showed moderate lymphocytic aggregate and the infiltration disappears in rats that received high concentrations (100mg/ml) of leaf and bark extracts showing similar presentation with rats in group A. Organs of rats treated with low concentration of root extract showed lymphocytic aggregate at low concentration and degeneration at high concentration. Leaf and bark extracts of V. paradoxa are not associated with any adverse effects at both concentrations of treatment but there was toxicity of the root extracts of at high concentration. Hence, leaf and bark extracts are safe for consumption but the root should be consumed with caution and at low concentration.