期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Throughout his life the human being was not interested only in products for insuring his existence but as well in theexplanations of the environment he was living in. For this purpose man used not only his muscles but his brain as well.The intellectual work hardly penetrated in his human activities. Presently may be found facts about the existence of thehuman being for already 3 mln years ago, but in this period man lived in difficult conditions. The human being understoodthat he has „rationality” thousands of years ago. If we would create a hypothetic man who lived for 3 mln years, then onaverage the hypothetic man lived decently only 3% of his life. Men began generating innovations 2000 years ago, 2-3innovations each century. The human intellect „exploded” beginning with the XVII century when during 100 years theman proposed more innovations than those proposed by his predecessors during their existence