期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:This paper presents the modeling of a Wind Diesel Hybrid System (WDHS) comprising a Diesel Generator (DG), aWind Turbine Generator (WTG), the consumer Load, a Ni–Cd Battery based Energy Storage System (BESS) and a DistributedControl System (DCS). All the models of the previously mentioned components are presented and the performance of theWDHS is tested through simulation. Simulation results with graphs for frequency and voltage of the isolated power system,active powers generated/absorbed by the different elements and the battery voltage/current/state of charge are presented fornegative load and wind speed steps. The negative load step reduces the load consumed power to a level less than the WTGproduced power, so that to balance active powers a negative DG power is needed (DG reverse power). As the DG speedgovernor cannot control system frequency in a DG reserve power situation, it is shown how the DCS orders the BESS to loadartificially the system until the DG power falls in a positive power interval. The negative wind step decreases the WTGproduced power, returning the power system to a situation where the needed DG power returns to positive, so that the BESS isnot needed to load the system