摘要:Although least studied variant of dried blood spot (DBS), dried plasma spots (DPS) have been recommended as the ideal sample not only for HIV-1 RNA quantification, but also drug resistance screening and genotyping. Different Assays have been invented that target different genomic regions of the virus including the pol-integrase region targeted by the Abbott m2000rt assay. However, since in many third world countries before testing is done there’s a lot of dried fluid spot sample storage and transportation from peripheral clinics to the testing site. This study, which was part of a larger study, tested whether DPS prepared at room temperature (~25oC) can still provide extractible HIV-1 RNA on Abbott m2000rt assay after 1 month of storage at room temperature. Tested against DBS as control, we found that the pol-integrase region of HIV-1 on DPS is still viable and that all together quantifiable on Abbott m2000rt Assay