期刊名称:Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest
出版社:Punctum Books
摘要:This article considers the policing of protests against “fracking” at Barton Moss, Salford, GreaterManchester between November 2013 and April 2014. The article seeks to make sense of thepolicing response to the protest camp established at the Barton Moss site and to consider whatthe policing of anti-fracking protests reveals about state responses to resistance in the currentera. The article begins by sketching out the background to fracking in the UK and to the specificprotest at Barton Moss. It then provides some detail about the nature of policing experienced atthe camp during its five month operation before considering how the policing of anti-frackingprotests – and protest policing more generally – need to be considered in relation to the generalfunction of police. To do this we draw upon the concept of pacification to consider both thedestructive and productive effects of the exercise of police power and suggest that this concept,and the reorientation of critical policing studies that it demands, are essential for understandingpolice and state violence in contemporary liberal democracies