摘要:Globalization has really impacted the social formation of the Third world countries.While some of these impacts are positive and others negative, one cannot deny the factthat no matter the perspective of one’s analysis, the grip of globalization is simplyoverwhelming just as it is so demanding and challenging. Incidentally, the Third Worldsocial formation is part of this new global arrangement. This paper therefore examinesthe ways in which globalization has impacted on the social formation of Third Worldstates through its various agents. It argues that despite the changes ushered in by theforces of globalization Third World countries are still facing developmental challengesand that unless urgent and sincere measures are taken, Third World countries would betotally overrun by the reality of this raging trend thereby making their development animpossibility. Thus, bearing in mind the possibilities and obstacles thrown up by thesechanges, the paper also proffers solution