摘要:This paper examines issues in economic policy drift in payment systems with reference toNigeria’s shift from a cash-based economy to a cashless society. Since the gradualintroduction of the cashless policy, stakeholders are divided along divergent views. Usingsurvey method, the study sampled 650 stakeholders (respondents) comprising Businessmen,University Students, and civil servants. Results show that majority of the stakeholderssupport the policy. Key reason why they support the policy is because of its potential inreducing cash-related robberies, corruption, and other fraudulent practices among others. Onthe other hand stakeholders who are against the policy shift hinged their reasons on paymentfraud associated with the cashless economy; high rate of illiteracy and infrastructural decay inNigeria. It is recommended that massification of cashless literacy be encouraged across thestrata of Nigerian population. Stakeholders must be engaged by relevant implementingauthorities of the policy shift through demonstration enlightenment sessions, seminars andworkshops. Not-literate or less literate Nigerians should be taught in the dialect theyunderstand if they are to key into the cashless system