期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:This paper examined the concept of speed limiter as a panaceato reducing carnage and accidents on Nigerian roads. The risksassociated with certain driving activities can only be reducedwith management commitment and appropriate safety controlsystems. Descriptive analysis was used to explain upgraded datacollected by French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA-Nigeria)from the records of accidents/crashes extracted from Newspaper andFederal Road Safety Commission’s data. The trend of road crashes wasanalysed using Time Series analytical techniques. The result revealedthat, from 2014, there is great reduction in the trend of crashes perannum in Nigeria. Also, the analysis predicted 504 crashes in 2016 ascompared to higher figures observed in previous years. However,Lagos, Edo, Ogun and FCT are at the fore front of accident cases inNigeria. The research concluded that, with the introduction andimplementation of speed limiters, there is possibility that crashes willreduce the more if well enforced and adequately implemented but ithas to be a gradual process because of the challenges involved.