期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Water resources are increasingly a constraint on economicand social development in Egypt. Coping with the waterscarcity in the North Western Coastal zone Basins (NWCB)requires good management for the flash floods. This requires anaccurate estimation for the hazard degrees and flood risk. MultiCriteria Analysis (MCA) describes any structured approach used todetermine overall preferences among alternative options, where theoptions accomplish certain or several objectives. The maximizing ofwater use in arid zones, like NWCB, is a highly important issue due tothe damage, danger and other hazards associated to it to human life,properties, and environment. MCA techniques were tested andevaluated for the purpose of flash flood risk assessment, hydromorphologicalparameters for sample catchments in NWCB, were usedin this analysis.Drainage network and watershed boundaries of NWCB shapefile was created using TOPAZ (Topographic Parameterization)technique from the 90 m Digital Elevation Model (DEMs). These dataare used in Watershed Modeling System (WMS) package toautomatically delineate basin boundaries and define stream networks.Thirty four basins in NWCB were delineated for the study of the riskassessment of flash floods. Cluster analysis, depending on 10 estimatedhydro-morphological parameters, classifies the NWCB into threegroups. Ten chosen hydro-morphological parameters have their directeffect on flash flooding were used for estimating hazard scaledepending on the MCA procedures. The proposed risk scale assumedcategory three for the high Weighted Standardized Risk Factor(WSRF) of five basins, while the category two (moderate WSRF)represents the middle sector of NWCB (19 basins). The class onerepresents 10 basins (low WSRF). Field measurements are highlyrecommended to verify the results of MCA procedure used in thispaper.