期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:The critical role of KM in government includes leveraging ofknowledge for attaining objectives of productivity andcompetitiveness of a national economy through social capitalcompetitiveness, leveraging knowledge for improving internalprocesses, formulation of sound government policies and programmesand efficient public service delivery for increased productivity, andbroad collection of organisational practices related to generating,capturing, disseminating know-how and promoting knowledgesharing within the government and with the outside world. Commonchallenges and concerns that affect public sectors worldwide areidentified as driving efficiencies across all public services, improvingaccountability, making informed decisions, enhancing partnershipswith stakeholders, capturing the knowledge of an ageing workforce,and improving overall performance. This paper sought to explore theexistence, or otherwise, of knowledge management (KM) enablers inthe Zimbabwe government that include organisational culture,organisational structure, and strategic leadership. The study usedface-to-face interviews and document analysis as data collection tools.Results revealed that the country’s leadership was paralysing KMpractices with an organisational culture that did not recognise andreward employee effort in promoting KM behaviour. Theorganisational structure of the government did not facilitate KMpractices, while top leadership played no role of formulating anddriving KM policies and practices in government operations.