摘要:The Costișa archaeological culture has been known for more than half a century and it has been categorized as belonging to the Middle Bronze Age in the Eastern Carpathian area.From the very beginning it was supposed to be the result of local connections with southern Monteoru-type elements and northern ones such as Komariw-Bialy-Potik.This assessment was made on the basis of a comparative analysis of the known archaeological investigation methods (stratigraphy and pottery typology).The present contribution employs another type of analysis of the pottery from the eponymous site.Thus, starting from the archaeological database consisting of seven pottery shards, the following scientific investigations were performed: SEM-EDS analysis, optical spectroscopy, and chemical modules analysis.The aim was to cover all the steps followed during modern pottery investigation, from the archaeological description of the artefacts and the initial macroscopic evaluation, to the integration by the archaeologist of the data obtained from the other types of analysis.The results of these analyses could provide multiple coherent answers regarding the history of a site, the ceramic technology, the relations between the local community and the Monteoru ones.
关键词:Middle Bronze Age ; Eastern Carpathians ; pottery ; archaeological records ; macroscopic and microscopic analysis ; SEM-EDS analysis