摘要:This study aimed to investigate the immunogenicity of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. The NDV was inactivated using either Binary ethyleneimine (BEI) or Electrolysed water-Catholyte-Anolyte (ECA). Complete inactivation of NDV occurred after 24 hours with either BEI or ECA. Prepared inactivated NDV vaccines were tested for their efficiency in generating humoral immune response in different groups of specific pathogen free (SPF) chicks. Test groups received 0.2 ml BEI inactivated NDV (NDVBEI) and ECA (NDVECA) subcutaneously. No significant ELISA total mean titer between NDVBEI group (11303 ± 4515) and NDVECA (12131 ± 1932) (p