摘要:The Superior Councils, established by Law 11,892 / 2008, represent instances for the participation of civil society in the formulation, evaluation and implementation of public policies. However, the Boards sin ce its inception, face enormous challenges in developing their skills. This article is by looking at the content of the decisions of the Councils, reflect on their actions, trying to identify the effectiveness and efficiency of decisions. The study was conducted based on the Federal Institutes of Education, having national coverage. The methodology can be described as a content analysis. Decisions were reviewed by the Supreme Councils which have been entered in these Federal Institutes, seeking to realize t he effectiveness of democratic participation. In general, the text points to a high degree of incompatibility between the operating model of the councils and the participatory democratic model required in the constitution 1988. It is then necessary to reco nsider the implemented design, therefore the current situation hinders citizens and the potential development of a more democratic and participatory public sphere
关键词:Board of Governors; Federal Institutes of Education; Social Participation