摘要:Death is one of the universal rules of nature! No one can ignore it; indeed death is the gateway of new beginningthisis the philosophy of death and liberation in Indian mythology. The origin of Indian mythology is Rig veda, the firstliterature of world. Contextually Vedic texts consists the perception of pantheism, but orthodox and non-orthodoxboth are equally respected in Vedas. According to the direction of Indian mythology, “Self” is the representative ofthe entire creation, therefore knowledge about “self” is the key of uncover the mystery of ultimate liberation. Thestatement Sankhya, philosophy the human self, is the composed figure of the twenty four individual formations ofnature. In a body, these are classified with eight natural components (including five basic elements), five sensitiveorgans, five movable organs and five personal components. “Who am I?” -the identification of self is the rootconception of yogic philosophy in Indian mythology. Life became life through five changes that is the best statementof Vedanta. This cycle of rebirth is for general people because they are unable to cross the eight barriers in a life i.e-Abhorrence (Ghrina), modesty (Lajja), fear (Bhaya), grief (Shoka), disgust (Jugupsa), lineage (Kul), moral conduct(Sheel) and caste (Jaati). Expectation, anger, jealousy, fear and laziness are mental effect of eight barriers; in effectof these barriers, a number of toxins grow in the body, which is the root cause of disease. Enormous freedom frombiological and mental demands is the vision of yogic death, its famous by the name Mokshaof five core elements ina body is the secret of yog. This secret has been processed through the recognition of own self.
关键词:Mythology; Self; Cycle of rebirth ultimate liberation;Vedas