摘要:Sport for enlargement of peace has become a familiar technique of intercession in deprived societies chieflyin the unindustrialized nations and states. The sports has energetic role in promotion of peace acting as a catalystof harmony. This paper discovers the past background and progression of sport for expansion of peace both as asocietal interference approach and a new notion of critical conflict literacy is explained. The paper is based uponthe peace building theories and highlights the techniques in which sport may provision peace erection and skirmishperseverance practices. The objectives of the paper are Sports have cross culture nature for peace development andPeace through sports is a major component of social intervention. A reliable likert scale of 10 items with 5 choiceshas been used for responses regarding role of sports in the peace development was recycled regarding the role ofsports in peace development in the Gomal University students. A sport is the major weapon to make agreementsbetween the nations to build a friendly relationship and co-operating each other in financial and other issue