摘要:Biofuels became more promising alternative to the fossil fuels because of the depletion of fossil resources, renewability, environmental benefits, and energy security. Ethanolysis of waste cooking oil with hexane as co-solvent was carried out for the production of fatty acid ethyl ester (FAEE). This process reduced the severity of process parameters with high purity biodiesel yield. Process variables such as co-solvent ratio, ethanol to oil molar ratio, reaction temperature and reaction time were optimized. The maximum biodiesel yield of 88% was obtained at ethanol/oil molar ratio of 40:1, co-solvent (hexane) to oil ratio of 0.2% (v/v), reaction temperature of 300°C in 20 min of reaction time. Fatty acid ethyl ester (biodiesel) samples produced from this process were measured and evaluated using GC-MS analytical instrument. Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) was also performed to examine the thermal stability of waste cooking oil, ethyl esters and fuel blends. Fuel properties of ethyl esters were determined and compared with the ASTM standards for biodiesel, regular diesel and ethyl esters from different feedstock.