摘要:Lifelong learning is indispensable to develop successfully into a knowledge-based economy and society. Educational level is the most important determinant of employability. According to experience those who have higher qualifications can adapt faster and better to changing circumstances and new tasks than those who have a lower-level education. That is why adult education and training is essential to competitiveness and economic growth. In several Western European countries, e.g. in Denmark, Germany and Sweden where adult training has long traditions, the high level, high quality adult training is a determining factor of economic competitiveness. Nowadays the term “lifelong learning” is familiar even in Hungary, which includes/would include old age learning as well. However, practically there is no opportunity for it; life-long learning means only the training of those employable in the labour market. Nevertheless, a lot of old aged people would learn new things with pleasure. In most Western European countries there are opportunities to do so. The question naturally arises: to what extent can old people be burdened, what are they capable of either at school or in the labour market? It should not be treated only as an employment problem: it is also indispensable with regard to life quality.