期刊名称:International Journal on Arts, Management and Humanities
摘要:ABSTRACT: Social exclusion and unequal development assuming an intimate relation between the social form of relations and the corresponding character of economic development is not only significant from the point of view of the constitutionally recognized excluded categories and classes of people but also has in its scope the cause of other disadvantaged segments of population. It implies that the processes such as liberalization, privatization and globalization, which are expected to ensure equity, parity and fair competitions, are in fact at crossroads due to the conditions that have emerged contrary to the expectations. Resultantly the chances of social exclusion for the socially marginalized disadvantaged and disabled, also including physically and mentally disabled have increased considerably. Though this paper does not deal with constitutionally identified categories like SCs and STs as exclusive categories but looks at disabled children as a form of exclusive category, who and whose families due to stigma attached with them are forced to suffer from social exclusion. This paper, a maiden attempt while highlighting, the plight of these children and their families also make a strong case that they be extended the benefit of inclusion policy and thus save these children from their continuous exclusion.