期刊名称:Švietimas: politika, vadyba, kokybė /Education Policy, Management and Quality
出版社:Scientia Socialis
摘要:Psychological peculiarities of children exposed to separation from parents have already been analyzed for a long period of time but the topicality of the problem has not decreased. Most often children are separated with one of the parents because of their divorce and the rate of the divorce in Lithuania is very high. In recent years a lot of attention has been paid to new child-parent separation form, which is determined by parents’ emigration. Rather often even in the scientific studies the tendency is seen to link directly the family status with worse psychological adjustment of children. The object of the research in this article deals with the problems of psychological adjust-ment of children, and the goal of this study is to analyze the level of problems of psychological adjustment of children who experienced separation with parents, paying attention to the level of cumulative risk. The article analyzes the level of problems of psychological adjustment of children who experienced separation with parents, the level of problems of psychological adjustment of children who experienced separation with parents and national sample children in Lithuania, and the level of problems of psychological adjustment of children who experienced separation with parents and children with different level of cumulative risk. Conclusions of the research: 1. The level of problems of psychological adjustment of children who experienced separa-tion with parents does not differ. 2. The level of problems of psychological adjustment of children who experienced separa-tion with parents and national sample children in Lithuania does not differ. 3. The level of problems of psychological adjustment of children with high level of cumula-tive risk is higher than of those children with low level of cumulative risk.