期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)
出版社:EverScience Publications
摘要:A network is basically a combination of nodes and links. Nodes can be mobile or static in nature and similarly links connecting them may be wired or wireless in nature. So there can be different combination of network. In MANET all the nodes are mobile and these mobile nodes are not in a fixed topology. Each node can take and receive data from another node that is why these nodes can act as router as well as node. Nodes can join the network with their own wish. Due to all these features of Manet it may face various challenges like no central authority, different mobility models, battery power, selfish behavior of nodes, coordination of nodes and continuously maintenance of information which is required to properly route traffic. All the above mentioned challenges affect the performance of the Manet. But cooperation among the participating nodes may overshadow these challenges. Cooperation can be achieved either by removing selfish nodes or preventing the nodes from acting as selfish because selfish nodes causes the problem of improper routing and results in drop of packets. It indicates that coordination of nodes have strong impact on the performance of the network. In this paper we implement a novel scheme for the coordination of nodes in Manet using NS2 simulator. In the proposed scheme nodes will not show selfish behavior because this model will distribute the load among all the nodes so that nodes will not be over utilized or underutilized. Proposed routing scheme uses DSR routing protocol and energy and path aware routing at network layer.