期刊名称:The International Journal of Indian Psychology
出版社:REDSHINE Publication
摘要:The present teaching techniques needs revised thinking to make learning more effective for students. In fact the teaching methodology should be such by which the students can be involved in reading, thinking, problem solving and then learning by their own efforts. It becomes more important at B.Ed. Level. For this purpose self-learning method is a very effective media. There are several Self Learning Techniques in which learner can learn by their own pace. Inamdar, J.A (1981), Suthar, K.S (1981), Debi Meena Kumari (1989), concluded that Programmed learning method was more effective. Can the learning of cognitive domain be made easier by using Programmed Learning Material? Is the Programmed Learning Method similarly effective for boys and girls? The investigator has thought about all such crucial questions for undertaking this research. Hence the topic “Effectiveness of Programmed Learning Material in Learning Cognitive Domain of B.Ed Students” is selected for the presentation.