期刊名称:The International Journal of Indian Psychology
出版社:REDSHINE Publication
摘要:Background: Now-a-days, almost all the old age homes (OAHs) in India are fully occupied with residents. Why Indian elderly have to reside in old age homes? It was explored during the Ph.D. study titled „A Study of Psychiatric Morbidity, Quality of Life and Expectations of Inmates of Old Age Homes in Northern India‟. The object of this study was to explore the factors compelling elderly to reside in old age homes. Methods: This study was carried out on 174 elderly residing in 14 different OAHs of Uttar Pradesh, India. Factors responsible for their settlement in OAHs were explored using interview method. Results: Misbehaviour of son and daughters-in-law (29.8%) was found to be most common reasons for residing in old age home. Conclusions: Many elderly in India are opting OAHs as their place of stay in their later life. Foreseeing the future the government and voluntary agencies in India must make arrangements for institutional support and care for the elderly.