摘要:Durum saptamaya yönelik betimsel bir çalma olan bu aratrmada, okul- aile ibirlii ileilgili öretmen ve veli görülerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmtr. Çalma grubuna aratrmannyapld okulda görevli 25 öretmen ile okulda örencisi bulunan 287 veli alnmtr.Örenciler araclyla velilere gönderilen anket formlarndan 200 tanesinin geri dönüümüsalanm ve deerlendirilmitir. Aratrmann bulgularna göre hem öretmenlerin hem develilerin mevcut okul- aile ibirliinin gelitirilmesi ile ilgili olarak görü birlii içerisindeolduu ortaya çkmtr. Velilerin ekonomik ve ulam sorunlar, çalma saatlerinin uygunolmamas, örencilerin okuldaki haber ve istekleri velilere iletmemesi, öretmen- veligörümelerinin düzenli bir ekilde planlanmamas, velilerin okula salayabilecekleriyardmlar konusunda yeterli bilgi sahibi olmamalar öretmen ve veliler tarafndan okul- aileibirliini engelleyen etkenler olarak belirtilmitir. Bununla beraber öretmen ve veliler, anketformundaki çözüm önerilerinin büyük çounluuna katlmlardr.
其他摘要:In this study, which is a descriptive work aiming to determine the circumstances, the teachersand the parents’ opinions about the school-parent cooperation have formed the basis. Theparticipants of the study were 25 teachers from the subjected school and 287 parents ofstudents from the same school. The questionnaire forms were sent to the parents through thestudents and the 200 of these forms returned to the researchers and the forms wereadministrated. According to the results of the data obtained from the questionnaire, both theteachers and the parents are in consensus about the improvement of the school-parentcooperation.Financial and transportation problems of parents, inconvenience of labour hours,students’ ignorance on transferring information between the school authorities and theparents, unplanned parental visits, parents’ lack of knowledge on the assist that they couldpossibly provide for the school have been suggested as the main factors that hinder theschool-parent cooperation. Additionally, the teachers and the parents have mostly agreed onthe solution proposals.
关键词:Okul- aile ibirlii; veli; öretmen
其他关键词:The school and family cooperation; parent; teacher