摘要:Enquadramento – A maior longevidade do serhumano, contribui para uma maior ocorrência de patologiasorais, tornando-se cada vez mais necessária a participação dosenfermeiros na promoção da saúde oral da pessoa idosa.Objetivo – Identificar as estratégias/intervenções dosenfermeiros na promoção da saúde oral em idosos.Método – Pesquisou-se em vários motores de busca(Google Scholar; SciELO Scientific Electronic Library Online;The Joanna Briggs Institute; CINAHL Plus with Full Text,MedicLatina, Academic Search Complete, MEDLINE with FullText, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Nursing e Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive; Elsevier - Science Direct), através de diferentes combinações dos seguintes descritores “Oral Health”,”Quality of Life” e “Literacy”, em dois idiomas – português e inglês – tendo sido identificados estudos desde 2000 até à atualidade. Aplicou-se o método da Cochrane Handbook, integrando o corpus da metassíntese num estudo descritivo. Resultado – Apurou-se que a participação dos enfermeiros é identificada como uma intervenção preventiva, integrada, sobretudo, nos cuidados de higiene/conforto. Conclusão – A prevenção das doenças orais implica a realização sistemática e continuada de atividades de promoção da saúde ao longo do ciclo vital, assumindo a enfermagem um papel ímpar na implementação do paradigma emergente face aos cuidados de saúde oral a prestar à pessoa idosa.
其他摘要:Background - The longevity of the human beingcontributes to a higher incidence of oral diseases, becomingmore and more necessary the participation of nurses inpromoting oral health of the elderly.Objective - Identify the strategies/interventions ofnurses to promote oral health in the elderly.Method – Electronic researches were performedthrough several scientific databases (Google Scholar; SciELOScientific Electronic Library Online, The Joanna BriggsInstitute, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MedicLatina, AcademicSearch Complete, MEDLINE with Full Text, CochraneDatabase of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register ofControlled Trials, Nursing and Allied Health Collection:Comprehensive, Elsevier - Science Direct) in Portuguese andEnglish languages, through the use of different descriptorscombinations "Oral Health", "Quality of Life" and "Literacy" toidentify studies since 2000 to present time. We applied themethod of the Cochrane Handbook, integrating the metasynthesiscorpus a descriptive study.Results - It was found that the participation of nursesis identified as a preventive intervention especially integrated atthe hygiene/comfort careConclusion - Oral disease prevention involves the systematic and continuous of activities designed to promote health throughout the life cycle. Nursing assumes a unique role in implementing the emerging paradigm in relation to provide oral health care to the elderly
关键词:saúde oral; enfermagem; idosos
其他关键词:Background - The longevity of the human beingcontributes to a higher incidence of oral diseases; becomingmore and more necessary the participation of nurses inpromoting oral health of the elderly.Objective - Identify the strategies/interventions ofnurses to promote oral health in the elderly.Method – Electronic researches were performedthrough several scientific databases (Google Scholar; SciELOScientific Electronic Library Online; The Joanna BriggsInstitute; CINAHL Plus with Full Text; MedicLatina; AcademicSearch Complete; MEDLINE with Full Text; CochraneDatabase of Systematic Reviews; Cochrane Central Register ofControlled Trials; Nursing and Allied Health Collection:Comprehensive; Elsevier - Science Direct) in Portuguese andEnglish languages; through the use of different descriptorscombinations "Oral Health"; "Quality of Life" and "Literacy" toidentify studies since 2000 to present time. We applied themethod of the Cochrane Handbook; integrating the metasynthesiscorpus a descriptive study.Results - It was found that the participation of nursesis identified as a preventive intervention especially integrated atthe hygiene/comfort careConclusion - Oral disease prevention involves the systematic and continuous of activities designed to promote health throughout the life cycle. Nursing assumes a unique role in implementing the emerging paradigm in relation to provide oral health care to the elderly