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From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till From puberty till post post -menopausalmenopausal menopausal menopausal menopausal stage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant tage there is a constant hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change thehormonal fluctuation. These hormonal changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the hormonal fluctuation. These changes not only assist in secondary sexual characteristics but also bring change the oral oral cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deepercavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper cavity. The inflammation of the gingivitis paves way for anaerobic bacteria to invade deeper periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These periodontal tissues. These anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At eanaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At eanaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e anaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At eanaerobic bacteria multiply and colonize in the periodontal tissues causes mild gingivitis to chronic periodontitis. At e ach stage in a ach stage in a ach stage in a ach stage in a
关键词:Progesterone; Estrogen; Periodontitis and Anaerobic