摘要:In Sindh Province, five species of frogs and two species of toads have been recorded. These include Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (Common Skittering Frog), Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (Tiger Frog), Sphaeroteca breviceps(Burrowing Frog),Limnonectes limnocharis(Indian Cricket Frog), Fejervarya sahyadrensis (Southern Cricket Frog),Bufo stomaticus(Indian Valley Toad) and Bufo melanostictus(Common Asian Toad).Surveys were undertaken in the selected localities throughout the province during 2010-2013. As a result of various environmental threats, four species of amphibians viz. Tiger Frog, Burrowing Frog, Southern Cricket Frog and Indian Cricket Frog have declined and may be recorded as rare species in Sindh, while Common Asian Toad was recorded as less common and Common Skittering Frog to be quite common