期刊名称:International Journal of Development and Sustainability
出版社:International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS)
摘要:This study examines the effect of land use on road traffic accident in Zaria. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. In the primary method, questionnaireswere purposively administrated to respondents along six selected major roadsin urban Zaria area. Whereas, in the secondary method, the State Urban Development Board provided information on land use. Also the Federal Road Safety Command Zaria unit provides record of accidents along the six selected roads, which were referred to asidentified accidents routes (IAD). The accessibility index together with crude capacity and potential generation rate of vehicular traffic were used to analyze the data obtained. The result showed a high and moderate utilized roads in Urban Zaria, and that more accidents occur in the high utilize roads. While the product moment correlation result revealed that there is a strong relationship between the traffic flow and the occurrence of road traffic accident. It was also discovered that the six major roadsreferred to as identified accident routes (IAR)) produced large number of trip and have high accident rates due to the intensive and complex land use. The implication of the result is that land use is not the only approximate determinant of road traffic accident. It was found out that factors like increased traffic flow, recklessness, poor road condition, refusal to obey traffic rules and mechanical faults are also contributory factor to the occurrence of road traffic accidents in Zaria area. Even though the rate of occurrence of accident is very high on the identified roads, it is generally moderate in urban Zaria area when compared to major towns was like Kano, Kaduna, Benin and Port Harcourt. It was recommended that the authorities concerned should ensure that efficient land use are developed and enforced according to plan while leap frog growth pattern of urban areas should be discouraged.
关键词:Land use effect; Road traffic; Accident; Zaria