标题:The Translation of Documentaries: Can Terminology-Extraction Systems Reduce the Translator's Workload? An experiment involving professional translators.
出版社:International Association for Translation & Intercultural Studies
摘要:This article investigates by means of an experiment, whether the integration of a domain-specific, bilingual glossary helps professional translators reduce translation process time and terminological errors in the translation of documentaries. It also examines the way these translators use the glossary. Special attention is devoted to the methodology for the experimental study design, the keystroke logging tool used for understanding the writing process, as well as the statistical analyses. The experiment was conducted in two sessions and involved two groups of professional translators. Both groups worked once without, and once with, a bilingual glossary. One group used a manually labelled glossary, the other an automatically extracted glossary. The results demonstrate that the glossaries have a positive bearing on the total process time, the pause time before terms and on terminological errors.