出版社:Vilnius University, University of Latvia, Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of University of Latvia
摘要:Due to the rapid and continuous change of technological development and fast internet connection, there many possibilities to change the traditional education models and the process of learning as well. Recently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) gained a huge attention and success. MOOC has inspired discussions among educators and policy makers about the revolution in education nowadays, especially in the vocational and higher education. Massive study application form only proves that the number of students is not limited. Open studies mean that for this purpose only Open Educational Resources (OER) applications and software, various open access information resources are used and everyone can participate. The problem is that there are very little MOOCs in native language (Lithuanian) available and the researchers need to work on the new possibilities of MOOCs localization and implementation in local environments supporting national regulations, technological infrastructure, and pedagogical traditions. The authors are working on the models of MOOC design and implementation to ensure a successful learning process at local communities, where well-selected methods and technologies for different courses should be used.