摘要:The article highlights the interaction in areas of quality of life and different levels of physical activity in a week for children in early school age. Pupils who attended the survey were from primary schools in Slovak Republic with an average age of 10.04 years (n=494). They were divided into four groups according to the level of sport performance. Quality of life was observed through a modified questionnaire SQUALA and frequency of physical activity in a week in hours. Data are presented in descriptive characteristics (n, M, SD). Statistical significance of differences respectively relations are considered by nonparametric methods at level of significance (W, U: p<0.05, respectively. rs p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 ***). The frequency of physical activity in a week was observed in our sample of children in the early school age ranged depending on the level of sport performance. The results did not show significant differences in the level of quality of life between groups of children with various levels of sport performance. Differences are predominantly found in a group of occasional athletes. When comparing the quality of life in terms of importance and satisfaction we found in all groups of children in different level of sport performance some common features. Satisfaction predominate the importance in areas of psychosocial well-being, material well-being, leisure time, considering an appearance and property affairs. Higher importance than satisfaction is put by preschoolers in spiritual well-being and education. The number of interactions between quality of life and frequency of physical activity in a week is very low with mostly positive interactions. We found the highest number of positive interactions only for children who have a higher frequency of physical activity in a week.
关键词:Physical activity; quality of life; early school age; level of sport performance; interaction