期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:The primary goal of big data analytics is to helpcompanies make more informed business decisions byenabling data scientists, predictive modelers and otheranalytics professionals to analyze large volumes of transactiondata, as well as other forms of data that may be untapped byconventional business intelligence programs. Big data can beanalyzed with the software tools commonly used as part ofadvanced analytics disciplines such as predictive analytics,data mining, text analytics and statistical analysis.Big data is now a reality: the volume, variety and velocity ofdata coming into your organization continue to reachunprecedented levels. This phenomenal growth means that notonly must you understand big data in order to decipher theinformation that truly counts, but you also must understandthe possibilities of big data analytics.Big Data analytics refers to the process of collecting,organizing and analyzing large sets of data to discoverpatterns and other useful information. Big data analytics canhelp organizations to better understand the informationcontained within the data and will also help identify the datathat is most important to the business and future businessdecisions. Big Data analysts basically want the knowledge thatcomes from analyzing the data