期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Role of reusability has seen a rapid demand forsoftware. Reusability has become an essential characteristic ofComponent-Based Software (CBS). Component BasedSoftware Development (CBSD) is becoming popular as objectorientedconcept alone is not enough powerful to cope with theupcoming requirements of today’s software. CBSE is aparadigm with the objective to construct and design softwareusing a pre-defined set of software components explicitlycreated for reuse. To check to what extent a component can bereused in CBSD, it is required to measure the generality ofcomponents. In this paper three new metrics namely-Component Generality, Average Component Generality, CostBenefit Percentage have been proposed. These metrics help toevaluate the generality of the component rather than aparticular class and will be helpful to reduce the overallsoftware development cost. We apply fuzzy logic to estimatethe reusability and software development cost. The resultobtained describe the analysis in terms of quality factorsrelated to generality, reusability that aids significantly inassessing the component reusability and optimizing the overallsoftware development cost.